Environmental Education Centers Introduction







Meet this beautiful Baroque-style building in Taipei downtown. It is actually the first running water factory in Taiwan! Built-in 1908, this park now is dedicated to the history of running water. Teach citizens the importance of water resources. Combined with the tourist attractions around, it would be a lovely cosy trip to temporarily escape from the busy life.
Wulai, New Taipei City is famous for its "Spring Cherry Blossoms, Summer Streams, Autumn Maples, and Winter Springs". It has different scenery all year round. Go away to "Yun Hsien Resort" and enjoy the nature, is the only amusement park in Taiwan that cannot be reached by car. Yun Hsien is located in Wulai. The source of the waterfall is located in the protection area. There are many firefly habitats in Yun Hsien Resort. It is a rare firefly viewing area in New Taipei City. It is surrounded by mountains. The rock road is rich in fern ecology and forest resources along the way, enjoy the phytoncidere of the cedar forest, while watching fireflies, feel the fireflies dancing beside you, and experience the unforgettable fun of watching fireflies. In 2013, Yun Hsien Resort passed environmental education facility centering on "ecological conservation" via the Environmental Protection Administration, and the park transformed into an ecological leisure experience park. In addition to rich ecological resources, It also cooperates with government policies to promote green restaurants and environmentally friendly hotels to educate consumers.
Located in the central of Taiwan, Sun Moon Lake is a famous scenic area since 1900s. This gigantic lake hidden in the mountains always amazes travelers by its serenity and beauty. Beyond its beauty, the functionality of this lake is astonishing. Not only being the biggest hydroelectricity in Taiwan, but it also provided 60% of total electricity in Taiwan back in 1940s. For advocating the importance of environmental education, the administration certified this lake and its lakeside as Sun Moon Lake Environmental Education Center. One of the unique spots is Xiangshan Visitor Center. Designed by Dan Norihiko, it represents the harmony between nature and human. Throughout the canopy design and the curved outline, the designer turns this building into a hill-like landscape instead of a boxy building. Furthermore, the energy-saving, air circulation and rain collection system let the entire visitor center become a cozy environment despite the weather outside. It realizes the dream that people can live with nature, not against it. Xiangshan Visitor Center is just an example in Sun Moon Lake Environmental Education Center. There are so much more you can discover here. Hence, we have tons of environmental education lessons and activities awaiting you. Come and join us to explore the secrets of Sun Moon Lake, the heart of Taiwan.
Endemic Species Research Institute(ESRI) is the only offical institute focusing on Taiwan endemic species research and education. Display vast and various native species, including animals and plants, by their natural habitats. It is the best place to visit if you fancy an authentic nature tour in Taiwan. Even more, you can also actually walk into different ecosystems, collected 60%(600 species) of Taiwan endemic plants, within just a few hours tour. Come and join us to experience this amazing green trip.
Just in 20 minutes drive from Chiayi downtown, you can enjoy typical Taiwan hill view in Chukou Nature Center. Surrounded by Ali mountain range, here you can find a confortable place to relax and obersve the diversed creatures or just lay back and enjoy the view.
Chihnan Nature Center is on the south shore of Liyu Lake, a famoustourist attraction in Taiwan. Between Central and Coastal mountain ranges, youcan find its abundant biological resources blooming in this rift valley. Afteryears of dedication to environmental education, this centre has also become animportant place of nature education, local culture, sightseeing spot and bioconservation.Throughout its forestry history and conservation experience, it offers a greatplace to teach people how to respect and protect nature in a fun andmeaningful way.
Different from other water park in Taiwan, Shengou water park draw the water from the Langyang river instead of reservoir. 75% of this park remains undeveloped to retain underground water; yet the rest area is most artificial wetland to purify the river water. We design many interactive activities with water. Let you learn everything about water in a meaningful and fun way.
The National Science and Technology Museum is a national social education institution aimed at promoting science and technology education. Therefore, the National Science and Technology Museum is dedicated to the research, design, and display of various technological themes, and to introduce important technological development and its influence on everyday lives.
Jhihben nature centre is one of the best natural places if you like to visit Taiwan iconic mammals, Formosan Rock Macaque, Reeves’s Muntjac (Barking deer) and Formosan Sambar Deer, face to face. Here, you can also join the dance with indigenous, Puyuma tribe; experience their culture; go to a hot spring; appreciate the ever-changing colours in the mountain. It offers balanced experiences?between human and nature, teaching us the environmental education not only by the courses but also throughout the entire area.
The National Museum of Natural Science, open to the public since 1986, provides guided tours, observation of specimens and objects, and issue-based educational programs for visitors to learn and discuss environmental problems we face now. Important issues such as biodiversity and ecosystem, waste and recycle, conservation of ocean resources, global warming and climate change, and food and agriculture education are included. Permanent exhibitions including the Life Science Hall, the Human Cultures Hall, the Global Environment Hall, the Science Center, and the Botanical Garden enable visitors to explore and learn by themselves. Moreover, special exhibitions are open irregularly updated with different themes as times change. Plentiful educational activities are diverse and rich in content suitable for parent-child groups, school children, and lifelong learners.