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Dharma Drum Campus for Environmental and Spiritual Education
  • NameDharma Drum Campus for Environmental and Spiritual Education
  • Centre Introduction Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts established the Dharma Drum Campus for Environmental and Spiritual Education, which, with Master Sheng Yen’s philosophy of Protecting the Spiritual Environment as its core, aims at promoting the environmental protection and laying a foundation for sustainable development. Its mission is to become an inspirational source for spreading environmentally-friendly knowledge and skills.
    Covering an area of about 25 hectares, the campus is located in Jinshan District, New Taipei City. Taking protecting the natural environment as its ideal, the campus design showcases features of environmental resources in four ways—
    soil and water conservation; the Calm the Mind Trail; the Satoyama Initiative; and low environmental impact architecture—and incorporates the field’s characteristics to develop a rich and fascinating program for environmental education.
    The campus has several trails, creating a campus culture of silent and serene walking. Take a walk on these trails while engaging in the methods of Chan practice, listening to flowing streams and immersing in nature’s music, and you will be able to relax your body and mind, with a purified self. We invite you to come and enjoy this place of perfect natural beauty, and experience for yourself the joy of Chan this environment has to offer
  • CategorySoil and Water Conservation
  • Open Booking for LessonsWeekdays
  • Operating time09:00~16:30
  • Centre General HolidaysHoliday
  • Telephone Number(02) 24980707#5323
  • E-mail websitedila.ee@dila.edu.tw
  • Websitehttps://mindlife.dila.edu.tw/
  • Budget per Person(NTD) 0~300
  • Ideal Number of Learners10~20
  • AddressNo. 700, Fagu Rd., Jinshan Dist., New Taipei City 208303 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • Centre Introduction(111)環署訓證字第(EC112003)號
  • Files 法鼓心靈環保教育園地手冊下載 Pdf 檔(254法鼓心靈環保教育園地(1).pdf)
Recommended Lessons
  • NameSlow walking and deep listening in meditation—staying together with nature
  • IntroductionAdopting walking meditation, this encourages people to take a walk on these tranquil mountainous trails in the woods and enjoy the calming ambience of nature. Whether sitting, standing, or lying besides the stream listening to the sound of water and nature, you will gradually become one with nature, profoundly experiencing the wonderful subtleness of nature. By profoundly experiencing the mutual connection and humanity’s dependency on the environment for our existence and survival, we can reflect on the imbalance inherent in our way of life due to overconsumption of natural resources, and explore how we can change our style of living, in order to contribute to sustainable development of the environment.
  • TargetsCollege / Adult
  • Hours2 hours
  • Available Seasons All year round
  • DaypartDaytime
  • OvernightNo
  • NameSpiritual protection and water conservation—keeping the landscape intact
  • IntroductionApproximately three quarters of the total area in Taiwan is mountainous. As our campus is situated on a hill, soil and water conservation is certainly an important issue. The program conducts a small experiment on the impact of vegetation on erosion and depletion of land, to help people realize the importance of soil and water conservation. By getting up close to the trees, we can understand that trees are actually vegetation. Also, by means of fun activities to search and identify the soil and water conservation facilities on the campus, visitors are prompted to explore the functions of these facilities in contributing to soil and water conservation, and their impact on the ecological system of the environment, so as to contemplate how to practice environmental protection and conservation in their daily life.
  • TargetsCollege / Adult
  • Hours2 hours
  • Available Seasons All year round
  • DaypartDaytime
  • OvernightNo
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