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Yun Hsien Resort
- NameYun Hsien Resort
- Centre Introduction
Wulai, New Taipei City is famous for its "Spring Cherry Blossoms, Summer Streams, Autumn Maples, and Winter Springs". It has different scenery all year round. Go away to "Yun Hsien Resort" and enjoy the nature, is the only amusement park in Taiwan that cannot be reached by car. Yun Hsien is located in Wulai. The source of the waterfall is located in the protection area. There are many firefly habitats in Yun Hsien Resort. It is a rare firefly viewing area in New Taipei City. It is surrounded by mountains. The rock road is rich in fern ecology and forest resources along the way, enjoy the phytoncidere of the cedar forest, while watching fireflies, feel the fireflies dancing beside you, and experience the unforgettable fun of watching fireflies.
In 2013, Yun Hsien Resort passed environmental education facility centering on "ecological conservation" via the Environmental Protection Administration, and the park transformed into an ecological leisure experience park. In addition to rich ecological resources, It also cooperates with government policies to promote green restaurants and environmentally friendly hotels to educate consumers. - CategoryScenic Area / Amusement Park / Sightseeing Factory
- Open Booking for LessonsWeekdays、Weekend
- Operating time09:00~17:00
- Centre General HolidaysNone
- Telephone Number(02)26616383
- E-mail websitek6616510@ms7.hinet.net
- Websitehttp://www.yun-hsien.com.tw/
- Budget per Person(NTD) 0~0
- Ideal Number of Learners35~35
- AddressNo.1-1, pubu, Wulai Dist, New Taipei City, Taiwan
- Centre Introduction(102)環署訓證字第(EC101001-02)號
- Files 雲仙樂園手冊
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