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Local Circulating Garden in Biyunzhuang Community
- NameLocal Circulating Garden in Biyunzhuang Community
- Centre Introduction The Biyunzhuang community empowerment has been established for over 20 years and has won numerous awards in Taiwan. We use storytelling as a means to help visitors understand the spirit of "Stone Soup" in the Biyunzhuang community. In the areas surrounding the community center, visitors will learn about environmental protection and reading through the process. The people here are warm and welcoming. This is a livable and beautiful community. You are welcome to visit us.
- CategoryCommunity / Village
- Open Booking for LessonsWeekdays
- Operating time09:00~16:30
- Centre General Holidaysweekend
- Telephone Number(03)8577539 ;0931993187
- E-mail websitegoshing12@gmail.com ;websiteb54450208@gmail.com
- Websitehttps://sites.google.com/view/goshing/Education/course
- Budget per Person(NTD) 300~300
- Ideal Number of Learners10~20
- AddressNo. 46, Jieli St., Hualien City, Hualien County 970 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
- Centre Introduction(112)環署訓證字第(EC103006)號
Recommended Lessons
- Name"Stone Soup" ~ A Guide of Biyunzhuang Community
- IntroductionThe Biyunzhuang community empowerment has been established for over 20 years and has won numerous awards in Taiwan. We utilize storytelling to help visitors understand the spirit of "Stone Soup" in the Biyunzhuang community. Visitors will learn about environmental protection and reading through the process in the areas surrounding the community center.
- TargetsCollege / Adult
- Hours2 hours
- Available Seasons All year round
- DaypartDaytime
- OvernightNo
- Name"Living and Migration" ~ Community Ecological Observation
- IntroductionThe environmental improvements made in Biyunzhuang community have transformed it into a habitable place that not only draws immigrants from all over Taiwan, but also provides a home for various species such as Black Drongos and Malaysian Night Herons. This course enables students to comprehend the significance of environmental preservation through sensory observation.
- TargetsGrade3&4 / KS2
- Hours2 hours
- Available Seasons All year round
- DaypartDaytime
- OvernightNo