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Crape Myrtle Lake Envurinmental Education Park
  • NameCrape Myrtle Lake Envurinmental Education Park
  • Centre Introduction Unlike other environmental education center, the locals donated their land to build this beautiful park. It is famous of bald cypress and local farms. Walk this land and feel the villager’s passion toward environmental education. Learn how the locals use the plants and create convenient tools for their lives.
  • CategorySoil and Water Conservation
  • Open Booking for LessonsWeekdays
  • Operating time08:30~17:00
  • Centre General HolidaysWeekend; National Holiday
  • Telephone Number(03)5899606
  • E-mail websitesp9@sp9.twgogo.org
  • Website
  • Budget per Person(NTD) Unlimited
  • Ideal Number of Learners100~100
  • AddressJiuqionghu, Xinpu Township, Hsinchu County 305, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • Centre Introduction(101)環署訓證字第(EC008008-02)號
  • Files 九芎湖環境教育園區手冊下載 Pdf 檔(29九芎湖環境教育園區.pdf)
Recommended Lessons
  • NameThe Beauty of Alee Tree
  • IntroductionAppreciate the beauty of nature is one of the easiest way to evoke people to protect the nature. Introduce different alee trees around our community to feel the pulse of life even on the streets!
  • TargetsGrade1&2 / KS1、Grade3&4 / KS2、Grade5&6 / KS3、Junior High School / KS4、High School / KS5
  • Hours4 hours
  • Available Seasons All year round
  • DaypartDaytime
  • OvernightNo
  • NameCreate the Sustainable Hometown
  • IntroductionBamboo is the productive economy plant. Tons of tools, products and even food rely on this beautiful plant. Learn more about bamboo and its ecosystem during this class and let you experience the simplicity and elegance of a sustainable hometown.
  • TargetsGrade1&2 / KS1、Grade3&4 / KS2、Grade5&6 / KS3、Junior High School / KS4、High School / KS5
  • Hours5 hours
  • Available Seasons All year round
  • DaypartDaytime
  • OvernightNo
  • NameCreate your own eco-flute
  • IntroductionReady to know the local customs of using bamboo. By learn what are the bamboo food, tools, and even house, you will be amazed that this plant can have such fuctions. Finally, make your own bamboo flute and decorate it with nature ingredients.
  • TargetsGrade1&2 / KS1、Grade3&4 / KS2、Grade5&6 / KS3、Junior High School / KS4、High School / KS5
  • Hours1 hours
  • Available Seasons All year round
  • DaypartDaytime
  • OvernightNo
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