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  • NameTAIYEN BIOTECH CO.,LTD. Cigu Salt Fields
  • Centre Introduction Qigu salt field is located at Qigu, Tainan, near the Taiwan Strait. It used to be a bay salt field and owns rich salt industry resources, including salt mountains, salt pan, and coastal plants. Qigu salt field combines natural resources with cultural heritage. To promote Qigu's local features, we use diverse learning methods to guide visitors so that they can feel the natural and cultural features here.
  • CategoryScenic Area / Amusement Park / Sightseeing Factory
  • Open Booking for LessonsWeekdays、Weekend
  • Operating time09:00~17:00
  • Centre General HolidaysLunar New Year's eve
  • Telephone Number(06)7800511#39
  • E-mail websitetim@tybio.com.tw
  • Websitehttps://cigu.tybio.com.tw/index.aspx
  • Budget per Person(NTD) 100~500
  • Ideal Number of Learners20~20
  • AddressNo.66,Yancheng,Cigu Dist,Tainan City,Taiwan
  • Centre Introduction(112)環署訓證字第(EC103005)號
  • Files 七股鹽場手冊下載 Pdf 檔(262七股鹽場.pdf)
Recommended Lessons
  • NameWhite Gold Memories in Qigu
  • IntroductionThis course mainly focuses on culture preservation. It talks about the story of how the salt industry developed in Qigu and the value of the industry to the locals. Through the story, visitors will understand why salt remains fresh in the locals' memories and pass on the meaning and value of cultural preservation.
  • TargetsGrade5&6 / KS3
  • Hours2 hours
  • Available Seasons All year round
  • DaypartDaytime
  • OvernightNo
  • NameMemories of Qigu Salt Fields
  • IntroductionTo keep the spirit of the salt industry alive, the main focus of this course is cultural preservation. Through the three salt field elements: sun, wind, and water, visitors will learn about the fantastic dynamic between the salt fields and the environment and therefore explore the interaction between human beings and the environment.
  • TargetsGrade5&6 / KS3
  • Hours2 hours
  • Available Seasons All year round
  • DaypartDaytime
  • OvernightNo
  • NameSalt Fields, Flame Fields, or Flood Fields?
  • IntroductionThis course mainly focuses on climate change and talks about the rise and fall of the Qigu salt field. Helping the visitors understand the relationship between the salt fields and the environment and further discussing the predicament that the salt pan is facing, and bringing out the discussion of climate change.
  • TargetsGrade5&6 / KS3
  • Hours2 hours
  • Available Seasons All year round
  • DaypartDaytime
  • OvernightNo
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