Environmental Education Centers Introduction
National Taiwan Science Education Center
- NameNational Taiwan Science Education Center
- Centre Introduction National Taiwan Science Education Center is a national science museum. It demonstrates and explains various science technology in a simple language. Environmental education is one of its popular section. Throughout water, air, soil and human, this permanent exhibition discusses different kinds of interactions across these elements. Environmental education lessons in this centre focus on four topics: Human and water resource, human and air pollution, human and soil contamination and how human should behave in this world. By using our academic background, we can offer you an accurate scientific way to understand the importance of environmental protection.
- CategoryMuseum/Zoo
- Open Booking for LessonsWeekdays、Weekend
- Operating time09:00~17:00
- Centre General HolidaysMonday(None on Feb. Jul. and Aug.)
- Telephone Number(02)66101234#1515
- E-mail websitemayday0621@mail.ntsec.gov.tw
- Websitehttp://www.ntsec.gov.tw
- Budget per Person(NTD) 170~220
- Ideal Number of Learners12~200
- AddressNo. 189, Shishang Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 111, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
- Centre Introduction(101)環署訓證字第(EC009004-02)號
Recommended Lessons
- NameThe World We Live In - Human & Water
- Introduction(環境教育課程預約時間: 學期間:週二~週日 ; 寒暑假期間:週一~週日)瞭解淡水對人類生存的重要性,認識水循環的歷程。知道濕地對環境的重要性,瞭解濕地功能並願意保育濕地。認識工業污染對於水資源造成的危害,及河川優養化對環境的影響。學習珍惜水資源與節約用水的態度,並能關懷生活中水資源環境議題。能舉例說明日常生活中常見的水污染問題,並能提出防止水污染的環境策略。
- TargetsGrade3&4 / KS2、Grade5&6 / KS3
- Hours1 hours
- Available Seasons All year round
- DaypartDaytime
- OvernightNo